Thursday, April 24, 2008


I again worked at the 45th Infantry Division Museum and found myself really getting into my work. All the men were so attentive and helpful and I spent a large part of the morning just wandering around acquainting myself with the layout of the museum. It is such a wonderful military museum and covers all the wars to the present time. The guys like having a woman working there because they have someone new to tell their individual war stories to. Their wives are probably sick of hearing the same thing over and over. Several visitors came in just before I left at 1:30, a class of 12 from a nearby training school, and several individuals. The class is training to deploy to Iraq and one young man looked so young and I asked him how old he was and he said 20. He looked about 16 and to think he is someone's son going off to fight in Iraq. The museum's director asked that I be trained to also work in the gift shop. No one trained me today but I am sure they will next Thursday. I was shown how to make coffee!!! There is a small, but well-equipped room with refrigerator, coffee bar, and microwave. A lot of the guys just hang out in there telling their stories to each other and the stories get bigger and better each time they are told.

My friend, Geneva, called and we decided to go out for dinner at Catfish Cabin's Restaurant. We met at 4:45 PM and had a catfish dinner. Neither one of us was pleased with our dinner. It has been under new ownership for a few months and the quality has gone down, at least we think so. We decided we won't be going back there again.

After dinner I came home and changed shoes and went to the mall to do my daily walking. I met my friends Willis and Lois at the mall and stopped and had a long conversation with them. Everywhere I go it seems I see someone I know. I have lived in this community almost 40 years, so I guess it is logical that I would see people I know.

Last night my friend, Lorene, called and she had gone to Winstar Casino with her boyfriend and her name was called from a drawing and she won $200.00 just for being there. Once I won $20.00 from a drawing but never $200.00. She was so pleased!!!

I had several telephone calls last night after I had posted my Blog for the day. One call was from my niece, Megan, who lives in Kentucky. It was such a pleasant surprise to hear from her. Her sister, Paula, that lives in Ohio, had called a few day earlier and that, too, was such a surprise. I had not heard from either niece for quite some time. I hope now that we have exchanged e-mail addresses to keep in closer touch with them. Their mother, MaryLinn, and their father, Johnnie, are both deceased. Each of the girls have two children. Paula has a son and daughter and Megan has two sons. I wish I lived near the girls where we could all visit once in a while.

My grandson, Ryan, is coming back home to Oklahoma City for the week-end. He will stay with his dad tonight and his mom the rest of the time. He will return back to his college in Kansas on Sunday. He called today to let me know he will see me tomorrow. I do love this guy. We have always been so proud of him and he has not once let us down. Too bad all young people can't be as responsible and reliable as Ryan. You can always depend on him to make the right decisions.

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