Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today is a remembrance of my Mom's birthday. Had she lived, she would have been 97 years old today. Esther Sadie was born in Mena, AR on December 18, 1911, to William D. and Eliza Adeline. Her parents moved to the Owl Creek Community near the small town of Stonewall, OK and raised several children. My Mother married my Father, Alfred A. on December 6, 1929. They moved to Oklahoma City where they welcomed three children into their lives, Howard (deceased), Peggy, and Janice. She was a loving mother and was liked and respected by everyone. Her home was where the neighbors congregated for coffee, conversation, and a good game of dominoes.

My Mom loved arts and crafts and was always doing ceramics, and trying her hand in the going fad at the time, like plaster of paris wall hangings, tea towel painting, embroidering, painting China dolls, etc. She shared her homemade crafts with everyone (I have several that I cherish).

After the five grandchildren were born, Howard (2 girls), Peggy (2 boys), and Janice (1 girl), she was always offering to babysit and I often took her up on it. She was the one I called on to care for my first son when I went to the hospital to give birth to my second son. When Howard's first daughter, (Debbie) was born, Mom made her many beautiful handstitched silk and satin articles of clothing with tiny embroidered rosebuds. She loved working with her hands and if she were not involved in some craft project, she was in the kitchen cooking. My family enjoyed many home cooked meals with she and my Dad. Her specialties were cream pies, fried pies, cream puffs, coconut cake and she always prepared the best Thanksgiving dinner, especially her dressing. My sister, Janice, inherited Mom's craft and cooking skills.

Mom developed crippling arthritis and was bedridden and in great pain the last years of her life. She was unable to sit, walk, or even lift her arms to comb her hair. Her hands were gnarled and especially painful to her. My Dad was there to the bitter end caring for her and making her as comfortable as possible. She kept smiling and never once did we hear her complain.

We lost Mom on July 22, 1981, and it was a sad day for all of us. Her great-grandchildren never got to know their great-grandmother. We do try to keep her memory alive and this is the purpose of my posting to my blog today.

Rest in Peace Mom and know that you were dearly loved.

Mom, we miss you so very much
On every Mother's Day
And not just then, but every minute,
Since you went away.
You were the center of our lives
Before your soul passed on;
It's just so hard for us to believe
That you are really gone.
But we celebrate the life you lived
And all the things you gave us;
Our wonderful memories, Mom,of you
Are the things that will comfort and save us.
Please think of us, as we think of you
With hearts so full of love;
We're looking up at you, sweet Mom,
As you look at us from above.

By Joanna Fuchs

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


What wonderful memories I have of my deceased mother-in-law, Mame. Today would have been her 111th birthday. I was just seventeen years old when her son, George, married me in Oklahoma City and took me to Illinois to visit his parents. They could not be at the wedding, so it was the first time they had a chance to meet me. I was received with such warmth. Her arms opened wide to embrace and greet me and until she passed away many years later, she always welcomed me with opened arms and love. I have never met anyone that was more loved by everyone than Mame. She loved her children and grandchildren more than anything. Her hobby of cooking was enjoyed by many. She was always being asked to bake for different occasions in the small Illinois town where she lived. My family's favorite food of all that she cooked was the chocolate cupcakes. Absolutely no one could duplicate those delectable cupcakes. It was a treat that all of her children and grandchildren grew to expect whenever they visited. She always baked dozens so we could return home with some. We knew we would not have anything that delicious until our next visit.

My mother-in-law was a homemaker and never worked outside the home. Her home was a real home where everyone gathered around the dining room table for their meals. She never tired of cooking for her family. She married my father-in-law in 1922 and he passed away in 1975 and together they had seven children. My father-in-law owned and was editor of the small town newspaper in which they lived. She did not live life without some burdens. Her first child, a daughter, was mentally challenged and she devoted much of her energy and love to making this daughter become as self-sufficient as possible. Patsy died in 1978. One other daughter and a son (my husband) have since died. If there ever was a mother more deserving of wings in heaven, it would be my loving mother-in-law, Mame.

This has been an exceptionally warm and sunny day here in Oklahoma City. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law from Michigan arrived today for an overnight visit. They are on their way to their winter home in Tucson, AZ. I always enjoy having Ben and Lori and Maggie (their adorable and sweet dog) visit. We have just returned from having dinner at The Olive Garden Restaurant. Earlier today Lori and I went to Remington Park Casino where I did not break my streak of losing. Lori won. There is always a next time for me.

My grandson and his friend from Honduras are in Oklahoma City for their Thanksgiving break from college. They, too, will be spending the night at my house. The more, the merrier!! They went to the Thunder basketball game and saw the great basketball player Shaq. Shaquille did not play tonight due to a hip injury.

I would be remiss if I did not comment that today, November 25th, was the day that President John F. Kennedy was laid to rest in the Arlington Cemetery after having been assassinated in Dallas, TX on November 22, 1963.

Tomorrow I will start my preparations for Thanksgiving dinner. This year we will be having dinner at my son's house and our sweet, generous hostess will be Kelly, my son's fiancee.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this posting to my blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


How can you attend a Veterans Day Ceremony and not become emotional? Today I had the privilege of attending such a ceremony at the 45th Infantry Division Museum in Oklahoma City, OK. Several hundred people attended including veterans from all branches of the Armed Services. It is heartwarming to see these former military men and women of all ages, and from all the wars, standing at attention and saluting or holding their hands over their hearts as the United States of America flag passes by. Grandchildren, children, wives, husbands, widows, and widowers were all there for one purpose and that was to honor their loved ones, many who did not return. This is a day that we all should show our gratitude to these veterans who unselfishly risked their lives for our freedom. I salute all those who served. As the keynote speaker said, "all gave some, some gave all." It was an honor to be among them. Have you thanked a veteran today?

The Master of Ceremonies was Mike Gonzales, Curator of the museum. The Governor's Own 145th Band played all Patriotic songs, the invocation was given by Chaplain (CPT) Jeremy Dunn, and the Veterans Day keynote speaker was Major General M. Wyatt III. Museum volunteers assisted in various capacities.

I have been a volunteer at the museum for several months and I am still in awe of the displays of the artifacts housed in the museum. There is a 15 acre park with all types of equipment used in the various wars. Inside the museum, there are 27,000sq. ft. of artifacts. The museum is the largest state operated military museum in the nation. Visitors come from all over the world to this museum. Last Saturday we had visitors from Brazil, Germany, Holland, and many from the U.S. Visitors return time after time to view these artifacts. My favorite displays are artifacts taken from Hitler's home, bunker, and apartment, the original cartoons done during World War II by Bill Mauldin, who was a member of the 45th, and did cartoons of Willy and Joe,two typical World War II GI's and the Reeves military gun collection. Other displays are too numerous to mention.

The 45th Infantry Division was organized in 1923 and their original insignia was the Swastika, an ancient American Indian symbol of good luck. The symbol became so closely associated with fascist socialism that it had to be abandoned as the insignia of the 45th Infantry Division. In 1939, the Thunderbird design was officially approved by the War Department. The document approving the design, which was to become famous in World War II and the Korean War, stated that the Thunderbird was a Native American symbol signifying "sacred bearer of happiness unlimited." This insignia is proudly worn by many.

Also present at the museum today was a representative from the Freedom Team. More can be learned of this team by logging on to

Another interesting display to be at the museum for a few days was a Patriotic Quilt display. I have never seen such beautiful and original quilts. You, too, can be part of the quilt tour. The quilts will tour the U.S. for 3 years to blanket America in Hugs for our Soldiers, Stitches of Comfort and promote love of God and Country. See under Patriotic Exhibits for photos, entry forms & under Calendar for scheduled shows.

I am a proud American. God Bless America.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So many events have occurred in my life since I last posted on my blog on September 3rd. I will try and update everything that has occurred since that posting.

My son, Scott, enjoyed my September 3rd posting on his birthday. Our family and friends enjoyed the baby picture of Scott and the picture of the two brothers together, one newborn and the other brother seven years old.

Oklahoma City was a receiving location for Hurricane Gustav evacuees from New Orleans. A building formerly occupied by Lucent Technologies was prepared for 2,000 displaced people and their pets. My son, his fiancee and I went out to see the buses rolling in and actually talked to a very nice couple. The couple we spoke with thought Oklahoma City had prepared for them very well, all the necessities were being provided. They were very happy to be in a clean, safe place. Thank God the levees held and Hurricane Gustav did not devastate New Orleans once again. All evacuees were able to return to their homes in just a few days.

Tuesday, September 11th was the seventh anniversary (2001) of the terrorists attacks on America. From the horror of the attacks there is a fierce resolve that terrorism may wound, but will never defeat us. We will prevail over this catastrophic day. Memorials were held for those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville, PA. This act of terrorism has changed, not only America, but the World.

I am sorry to say that a friend of my late husband and me has passed away. Pat became a friend when she moved from California to Oklahoma City to be close to her daughter, Janie, my former daughter-in-law. Grandma "O", as we all called her, became a member of our extended family because she was the other grandmother of my two grandchildren. Pat had been suffering from the effects of emphysema and related illnesses for many years. She lived in OKC a short time before allergies forced her to move to a drier climate. She relocated in NM and close to her son and remained in NM until her health worsened and her daughter brought her back to OKC to care for her. Her health kept deteriorating and she spent her last days in the hospital and a skilled nursing center. Janie made many sacrifices to provide the care that her mother required. There were many sleepless nights to ensure that her mother had her breathing treatments, many trips to the doctors and hospital, and the daily care she provided for the comfort of her mother. It is not easy being a caregiver and we all have some remorse after a death that maybe we could have done more. Only God knew Grandma O's death was imminent. Grandma O and friend, rest in peace.

My grandson, who is going to college in KS on a soccer scholarship, has just broken the all time school's record of number of goals made. The former holder of the record returned early from his honeymoon to be there when the record was broken. Ryan didn't let him down. The game ball was given to Ryan and his teammates cheered for him. Since that game, he has made two more goals. Records are to be broken and I want to congratulate Ryan on his achievement.

Since I last posted on my blog, I have been out to eat many times, volunteered at the military museum, and took bus trips to casinos (finally came home with $52.00 more than I left home with.) I have met more interesting visitors to the museum. We have had visitors from Russia, Belgium, England, South Africa, and almost every state in the U.S. There is to be a reunion of the 45th Infantry Division's Association the latter part of this month and at that time I will meet many former military men who have been in the different wars or was a member of the National Guard.

Sunday the 14th was my son's fiancee's birthday. We had a delightful dinner at an Italian restaurant and lots of fun and laughter. Kelly's daughter, two sons and their girlfriends, Keith, Kelly and I were all together and I can't speak for everyone but I enjoyed myself immensely. Only one of Kelly's sons could not be there. He lives in another state too far away to attend. Of course, we sang (off tune) Happy Birthday to Kelly. The restaurant provided the dessert for Kelly and we all took a bite to join in on her celebration. Kelly is always giving to everyone and I hope we were able to provide pleasure to her in this small way. Birthdays are to be celebrated with the ones we love and there was a lot of love for Kelly at our table.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today is my youngest son's birthday, my baby. Where have all the years gone since he was a 7 lb. 4 l/2 oz. bundle of joy? His late father and I and his brother were happy to welcome Scott, the second son into our family in 1960. Our other son had been born seven years previously (1953). The first year of his life we lived in OKC near family, but his dad worked for the Santa Fe Railroad and was transferred to St. Joseph, MO, the home of the Pony Express and where Jesse James met his untimely death as the story goes. After a couple of years his dad was transferred to Kansas City, MO and Scott entered kindergarten. Again, his dad was promoted and transferred and this time back to our roots in Oklahoma City.

Scott is now a strapping 6'3" 200 lb. something young man. His late father and I have always been extremely proud of him and his accomplishments. He went through the public school system here in Oklahoma City and entered college on a baseball scholarship. He has never caused us one bit of trouble growing up, unless you call his obsession of Farrah Fawcett, when he was in high school, a problem. He purchased everything he could find with her picture on it. I even made drapes for his room with her shown in her famous red bathing suit pose. Somehow we lived through that phase of his life. He has been through many phases since that early obsession.

Scott has always been a good student and his interest in history was, and still is, a big part of his life. He has lived in many different places and has always chosen the larger cities full of history. He has lived in Kansas City, Washington D.C., New Orleans, and now resides in Santa Fe, NM. Three years ago he was living in New Orleans, when Hurricane Katrina and the broken levee devastated that city. When Scott was forced to evacuate New Orleans, he had just two days earlier, adopted a cat named Lanie, and Lanie was left behind in the townhouse with ample food and water to last several days. Everyone thought they would be back into their homes within two days, but when the levee broke, it was anyone's guess when, and if, they would be allowed back in. Scott came to my home to stay, worrying every minute about his cat that was left behind. After two weeks the residents were allowed back into their homes for a couple of hours and Scott expected the worst, to see his townhouse destroyed and his cat, Lanie, dead. But, miracles do happen and he found the townhouse almost like he had left it and Lanie well and food and water still remained for several more days. He found his office destroyed (he is a financial planner) and he decided to relocate in Santa Fe, NM where he resides today. With the latest Hurricane Gustav pounding New Orleans and other cities in Louisiana, Scott has watched all news accounts day and night. Many of his friends and business associates chose to remain in New Orleans after Katrina and his concern for them at this time is to be expected. After all, he has been there, done that.

Scott now spends all his long weekends and free time visiting historical sites in and around NM and CO. He e-mails me pictures of his travels and weekend excursions and I feel I have traveled to those places from looking at the beautiful pictures.

Scott, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and many, many more. I wish your dad were here today to tell you how proud he is of you and also to wish you a Happy Birthday.


I Love You, Mom

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Contrary to popular belief, the U. S. Postal Service has no "official motto." Actually it is just the inscription found on the General Post Office building in New York City, having been put there by the architects who designed the General Post Office.

The mail carrier assigned to delivering the mail in my neighborhood, in my opinion, is a saint and a friend. No matter how cold, how hot, how icy, how rainy, and how uncomfortable he might be, he delivers my mail with a smile and a "hello." Sometimes he brings those dreaded monthly bills, but oftentimes he delivers those letters or greeting cards that we all love to receive. E-mails just can't replace holding the personal greeting in our hands from a loved one. He has become a neighborhood friend and confidante to many of us. His concern for our well-being is a blessing. Due to his tight schedule, he is unable to converse for long periods of time, but he always has time to inquire if we are doing OK. He has been known for helping one friend of mine to look for her lost keys when she was unable to gain access to her house, not once, but twice. We were all saddened when he was assigned to another route, but eventually he was reassigned back to our neighborhood. The entire neighborhood was delighted to see him back and he was happy to be back also. Today I am writing about the different facets of the U. S. Postal Service, but to most of us, the home mail carrier is the most important of all the services the post office offers and he/she can never be replaced by the internet.

It all began back on April 3, 1860, when a fast mail service, the Pony Express, carried mail from St. Joseph, MO, to Sacramento, CA. The original mail service had messages carried by horseback riders crossing the prairies, plains, deserts, and mountains of the Western United States. It was founded by William H. Russell, William B. Waddell, and Alexander Majors. The westbound trip was made in 10 days, 7 hours, and 45 minutes. The eastbound trip was made in 11 days and 12 hours. Every 24 hours they covered approximately 250 miles. The Pony Express, established a year before the beginning of the American Civil War, reflected the need to provide fast and reliable communication with the West. Stations were placed at intervals of about 10 miles, roughly the distance a horse can travel at full gallop. Riders changed to a fresh horse at every station. There were all kinds of restrictions placed. The rider could not weigh over 125 pounds, riders were changed every 75-100 miles, and the total weight could not exceed 165 lbs., including the mail pouch, Bible, knife, horn for alerting the station master to prepare the next horse, rifle, and a choice of a rifle or another revolver. The riders were paid $100 per month. When my late husband worked for the Santa Fe Railroad, he was transferred to St. Joseph, MO, and we were able to visit the original stables where the Pony Express began.

Mail can be delivered in so many different ways today. We do not have to depend on the faithful horse and rider. There are boxes located in post offices, boxes located in offsite locations, mail is delivered by independents, such as UPS and Fed Ex, mail is delivered in some apartment complexes or neighborhoods to cluster boxes located in one area, we also have rural route delivery, and, in many neighborhoods, delivered to the door by a home mail carrier.

We take these home mail carriers for granted. I know first hand that accidents can and do happen to carriers while on their daily route. My niece and her father, my brother-in-law, are home mail carriers. My niece has injured her same ankle twice, has had one surgery, and at the time of this posting, another surgery is pending, both from stepping in holes or on uneven lawns. My home carrier has also injured his ankle while on his route delivering mail. There are also incidences of dog bites. In Oklahoma City, we do have a leash law and bites are probably not as prevalent as they once were. The carriers are permitted to carry mace for protection against dogs.

No work site is completely safe these days. On Wednesday, August 20, 1986, in Edmond, OK, 15 postal employees were slain by a disgruntled postal employee. This was believed to be, at the time, the worst mass murder case recorded in Oklahoma history. After killing 14 employees, wounding 5 others, the gunman committed suicide. Although two decades have passed, the memories remain vivid for those who were at the scene that day. Every single person, except one, went back that night to the post office to work. They had to; nobody else could sort the mail. Shell casings still littered the floor and blood stains were visible inside the building. The deaths were difficult to cope with because the postal employees are such a closely knit group. A monument has been erected at the Edmond, OK post office to honor those slain employees.

I wish to thank all U. S. Postal Service employees, especially Rod, my neighborhood mail carrier, for their tireless and thankless job of delivering our daily mail in snow, rain, heat and gloom of night.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This posting will be different than most of my entries, in that I won't be chronologically listing what I have done since my last posting. Yes, I have done the usual things I always write about, like walking, having dinner with family and friends, working at the museum, and gambling (another loss), but I have been thinking about my subject of this posting since a retired military man at the museum told me he loved me.

Love is used in so many different ways: I love my family, love my pets, love my job, love chocolate, love shopping, love my God, and love my friends.

Most people think friendship is the best. You have to be friends to love or to fall in love (two different things). My love began when I came out of the womb into the loving arms of my mother, this had not developed into a friendship with my mom, but came later throughout my childhood. Everyone can fall in love or love, but friendship has to come first. Without friendship and love it would be hard to exist. I fell in love with my late husband the minute I laid eyes on him. Was that love, friendship, or lust? He was a handsome man!!!! I developed a friendship with him and ended loving and being in love. Next I experienced the love of being a mom myself with my first born son, then the second son. Along the way I had friendships with many people, in the workplace, neighborhood, schools, etc. I grew to love many of them but did not fall in love with them.

Now I understand the differences in friendships, love, and being in love. Love is a bond between two people, friendship is just a form of love or respect for the other person, and being in love and married should be a bond between friendships that last forever. You can't have one without the other.

So, my friend at the museum really was trying to convey to me that he felt a love and respect for me and it had grown into a friendship. I can appreciate the difference and return my friendship to him.

I have many loves and friendships in my life now, but the one person I was in love with, is gone from my life forever. Who knows if I will ever be in love again, but at least the friendships are there and I rely on them each and everyday.

I hope all my loves and friendships read this blog and know I need them.

Author Unknown
FRIENDSHIP is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust,
LOVE is when you feel like you are the only two around.
FRIENDSHIP is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care.
LOVE is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart.
FRIENDSHIP is being close even when you are far apart.
LOVE is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near.
FRIENDSHIP is hoping that they experience the very best.
LOVE is when you bring them the very best.
FRIENDSHIP occupies your mind.
LOVE occupies your soul.
FRIENDSHIP is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need.
LOVE is when you will give up everything to be at their side.
FRIENDSHIP is a warm smile in the winter.
LOVE is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart.
LOVE is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares:
A tender laugh, which opens your heart.
A single touch that melts away your fears,
A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven,
A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth.
FRIENDSHIP can survive without love.
LOVE cannot live without friendship.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I attended a 6-year-old niece's birthday party yesterday and the party theme was "Hannah Montana". Everything she received had the Disney motif of Hannah. Just last year the theme of her party was "Sponge Bob". Interests of children varies so much from year-to-year. There is always a new fad or new artist that children become interested in from all the hype they see on television. It will be interesting to see who Steff is interested in this time next year. It was a fun party held at her great-grandmother's and great-grandfather's home. All the kids were in the pool cooling off while we oldsters were in the house cooling off with soft drinks. Her grandfather had the pleasure of grilling hot dogs and hamburgers out in the blistering heat that we are experiencing here in Oklahoma. It was 106 degrees, tying the record for August 3rd set in 1930. More of the same is forecasted for today. My son, Keith, and fiancee, Kelly, attended the party also.

My trip to the Winstar Casino in Thackerville on Wednesday turned out like all my other trips, a loser. When is it going to be my time to win? We had to get up at an ungodly hour of 3:00 am in order to get ready and arrive at the designated bus departure. Upon arrival at the casino we received a complimentary buffet breakfast and $10.00 in cash. Every 10 minutes a random drawing was held for $200.00. We also had a drawing on the bus for cash. Do you think I won any of these drawings? GUESS AGAIN!!!! My next losing trip will be at the Riverwind Casino in Norman on August 13th. If I didn't have so much fun LOSING, I would just stay at home.

Thursday was my day to volunteer at the military museum. I couldn't let the guys down and not take some baked goodies, so the minute I arrived home from the casino I baked a cake and some M&M cookies. I don't know how glad they would be to see me if my hands were empty!! We had so many nice visitors.

Keith, Kelly, and I had dinner out on Friday evening. We always have a good laugh and enjoy each other's company. We chose a buffet and all that food in front of me is my downfall. I just have to have some of everything. After all that is why it is there so it will be eaten. They just don't plan on me eating all of it.

I volunteered again on Saturday at the museum and had 130 visitors from all over the U.S. I was very impressed with a Boy Scout Troop on their way home to Wichita, KS from a 6-day camp-out at Talihina, OK. They were worn out from the heat and outside activities at the campsite, but the leaders and boys were still interested in making one more stop to learn about the equipment and the men who have fought in the various wars. I have never seen such well-mannered youngsters. Most of the scouts plan to go all the way to becoming an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in scouting. If all young people had a goal and a mentor to help them carry out their goals, this would be a different world we live in.

I have never written too much about the 45th Infantry Division Museum but it is an awesome museum. With 27,000 square feet of exhibit space and a 15 acre park, there is much to see. The museum's mission statement is to collect, preserve, and display Militaria relative to the military history of the State of Oklahoma. Following World War I, the National Defense Act of 1920 created the authority to form the 45th Infantry Division from the four states of Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. After the Korean War the Division was restructured into an Infantry Brigade. I have so much to learn and appreciate about the history of the 45th. A lot of the volunteers served in the 45th. I did not come from a military family and know very little about the history, so I can't ever be as good a docent as they, but with their continued support, I will eventually be able to articulate to a visitor the history behind all the wars and artifacts displayed in the museum.

I am keeping busy and this week I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, work at museum on Thursday and Saturday and have lunch out on Friday in Guthrie, the original capitol of Oklahoma. Guthrie has so much history and the downtown area is being preserved as it was in olden days. My girlfriend, Geneva, that I will be having lunch with on Friday, went to school there and married there. She always drives me around town pointing out where she worked after high school, where she first met her late husband, where they were married and the different places they lived in before moving to Oklahoma City. Her late husband was a member of the 45th Infantry Division and she has a 50-year background of military, having been married to him for all those years.

It is so quiet in my neighborhood on these hot days. Everyone is out early or out late to water their yard and run their necessary errands. Very few children live near me, so there are none of them out playing and the older people, like me, just hibernate. I did go to the grocery store early this morning.

My grandson, Ryan, just called from Great Bend, KS on his return back to his college in Sterling, KS from Denver and Vail, Colorado. He has been coaching a soccer camp in Denver and playing on a soccer team in Vail. He just told me over the telephone all about his trip and I inquired about the temperatures there in Colorado. He said it had been hot all the time he was in Denver and in Vail he wore a jacket at night. He said they went up the mountain in a gondola in Vail and there was very little snow on the mountaintop. He is a wonderful grandson, so responsible and reliable. He is having experiences and making friends that he will cherish all his life.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Here in Oklahoma City we are experiencing "The Dog Days of Summer". Just what does that mean? It refers to the hottest days of the summer and usually falls between early July and early September. This week we hit 100 degrees or higher. The TV weather forecasters say tomorrow will be 101 degrees and then drop into the mid 90's the remaining days of the week. Everything is parched and turning brown, and it seems as though just yesterday winter was here and we were wishing for spring. I remember as a child we had no home or automobile air conditioning and survived the heat, but HOW? We had to sleep outdoors on a pallet or in a screened-in porch. In Oklahoma, we usually have a breeze and by morning we kids were looking for covers or heading for our own beds just before the sun came up. The morning dew had already fallen by the time we headed indoors, so our bedding was left outside to dry. Today's children do not get to experience the fun we had lying under the stars and seeing who could tell the scariest ghost story before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep. Sometimes the ghost stories kept us from a peaceful sleep and we had to gather up our bedding and go inside to feel the safety of our surroundings. My family took many long and exhausting trips in our car with no air conditioning, and I can still feel the sting of that summer heat hitting me in the face as we happily drove on to our destination. Even as a young bride, I did not yet have a/c in my home or car either. I will never forget when we took a trip from Oklahoma City to Washington D.C., in the month of July, with car windows down and hot air blowing in around us and not once did we complain. We were just happy to be heading for our first look at our nation's capital. I guess in certain parts of the United States air conditioning is not important to have, but let me tell you, here in Oklahoma, you can't be without it.

I had a busy week and enjoyed every minute of it. There were a couple of birthdays in my family, my sister's (see July 23rd posting to my blog), and my grand-niece, Steff's 6th birthday. Steff is a well-mannered little girl. I had the pleasure of taking care of her recently and she said, "Aunt Peggy, may I please take a nap?" I have never heard a child ask to take a nap. My kids and grandkids fought taking their naps. On Wednesday I got the much needed haircut. I only go to the beauty salon three or four times a year when my hair needs cutting. I have been blessed with naturally wavy hair and have never had a permanent. I worked at the military museum on Thursday, had dinner out a couple of times, walked, visited friends, and look forward to more of the same this week. On Wednesday I will be going on the gambling bus to Thackerville, OK. I am not looking forward to having to get up at 3:30 AM in order to get ready, drive to Geneva's condo and the two of us driving on to the bus pickup location. The bus leaves at 6:00 AM, with or without us. After we arrive in Thackerville at the Winstar Casino we will have forgotten all the hassles of getting there, especially if one or both of us win. We have fun just being with the crowd. Our bus will return early evening and I will have time to prepare cookies and cake for the guys at the museum the next day. I received an e-mail this week from a young 10 or 11 year old girl (Zoe) that had visited the museum with her family. She took a liking to me and followed me all over the museum. She and her family were so delightful and took a great interest in the museum. Her mother home schools Zoe and her siblings.

Keith, Kelly, and I had Sunday dinner at a delicious buffet. We all stuffed ourselves and I doubt if any of us will even eat a snack tonight. We had great conversation during dinner talking about our individual blogs. All our blogs are quite different and unique to our own personality. My blog is a diary about me, family and friends. Kelly's is about family, travels, historical places she has visited and current happenings. Keith's blog covers sports, sport postcards, historical places he has visited and current sporting events.

If you haven't started your own blog, you need to consider starting one. It can cover any subject or interest you might have. I hope in the future to be reading your blog just as you are now reading mine.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I will always remember the day my only sister, Janice, was born. It was July 23rd and one of the happiest days of my life. I was in high school and had only one sibling, a brother, Howard (now deceased). Janice was a surprise to all of us, having come late in life to our mother and father. It was considered late in life then to have a baby at the age of 37, the age my mother was when she gave birth to Janice. Nowadays a lot of professional women wait until that age or older to have their first baby. Howard and I didn't know what to think about our mother's pregnancy. I am sure he didn't tell any of his classmates, but I could hardly wait for summer to be over so I could show pictures of my baby sister to all my friends at school. I remember I carried her around like a doll, but she was cuter and smelled better than a doll and so much fun to watch her from day-to-day. Mother made her matching dresses and bonnets and she was adorable in them. I can't remember her ever crying because one of us was always holding her. She brought so much fun into our home.
When she was three, we moved to a new housing addition and the neighbors assumed she was my brother's and my baby, not having yet met my mother and father. Soon after we moved to the new house, I married and moved away to another state for a short period of time. My parents moved to Edmond after my marriage and Janice attended the public schools there (pictures of her during the school years). Janice and I have remained close. Now that our mother is deceased, I am almost like her mother, and from time-to-time, people have assumed just that. She calls to wish me a Happy Mother's Day each year.

Janice has her own family now, having married the love of her life, Stan, 35 years ago. He is my favorite brother-in-law, at least my favorite one living in Texas. Together they have raised a daughter, Sara, and now Sara is the mother of two darling daughters, Britt and Steff. Janice and Stan are wonderful grandparents. They include their grandchildren in everything they do, like cruises and trips to Hawaii. Sara, her husband, Steve, and the two girls lived across the street from Janice and Stan until a few months ago, when they relocated from Texas to Oklahoma. Janice and Stan kept Steff in Texas during the school year. Oklahoma does not have full day kindergartens and no one would have been home to care for Steff after school while Sara and Steve worked. This is the kind of grandmother Janice (Dojo) is, her grandchild's well-being to her own comfort and relaxation. Janice is a mother to several pets also, including cat, dogs, and several doves.

I am not going to divulge the year Janice was born. You never tell a woman's age!!!! And, if I give the year, you would also know my age, so the year is to remain unknown. I will give the prices of what a few things cost the year she was born. The price of gasoline was 26 cents/gal, bread was 14 cents/loaf, milk was 86 cents/gal, postage stamp was 3 cents, minimum wage was 40 cents/hour, and the price of a new car was $1,550.

I don't think I have ever told Janice how proud I am of her. She has undergone some life-altering changes with her weight reduction surgeries and it hasn't been easy for her. She is now a beautiful, slim, and creative individual. No one in our family can come close to being as good a cook as Janice. Her family is lucky to have homemade dinners when the rest of us are bringing home carry outs from the fast food restaurants. Her gourmet cooking is the hit of every family gathering.

Janice, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday on this July 23rd, and I want to tell you how proud I am to be your big sister. Yes, I remember the day that you were born. It doesn't seem like it was so long ago. I love you!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


A widow is a woman whose spouse has died. A man whose spouse has died is a widower. The state of having lost one's spouse to death is termed widowhood.

Today I am writing about widowhood. There are many of us in that category. I have been thinking today what it means to be a widow. How our lives are changed and what changes we have to make in our lives. Women have a longer life span and widowhood could plunge a family into poverty. Fortunately I was not forced into poverty. I have been able to live the lifestyle that my husband and I had created for ourselves with careful planning throughout the years. Many widows are not as lucky as I. They have been widowed at a young age or have small children to be the sole provider for. I did not fall into either of these categories.

We all grieve in different ways. You will know you are getting better when your memories make you smile instead of breaking you into tears, or when you can tell someone else that life really does go on, or you find a way to leave your grief in the past and find you are actually enjoying living.

Getting through the holidays the first year is hard for most widows. I find holidays do not bother me. I still have my children and grandchildren to prepare for and I have the memories of yesterdays gone by. As I set the table with the special linens and glassware that my family always uses, all the wonderful memories pass before my eyes. I smile to myself and go on, life has to go on. Yes, as a widow my life has changed and I have made the necessary changes to actually enjoy living. I have made a new life for myself by necessity.

By Lord Alfred Tennyson
O that 'twere possible
After long grief and pain
To find the arms of my true love
Round me once again!...
A shadow flits before me,
Not thou, but like to thee:
Ah Christ, that it were possible
For one short hour to see
The souls we loved, that they might tell us
What and where they be!

I never knew how much my husband did for us. Now that decision making is my responsibility, I find it overwhelming at times. I do have sons to ask for advice, but ultimately the decisions I make are mine, right or wrong.

As I am writing this post to my blog, I have a smile on my face reflecting back on the good memories I have of the best husband and the best years of my life. IF ONLY!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

194TH DAY OF 2008

Today is Saturday, July 12th, the 194th day of 2008 with 172 more days to follow.

What have I done with the first 194 days of the year (where did they go), but more importantly, what will I do with the 172 days to follow?

I have now seen parts of three seasons already come and go this year and with each season there have been changes in my life and yours. We can't turn back the clock to correct or modify our mistakes or errors, but we can learn from them and move on to better things for the remaining 172 days. I have experienced good health for which I am thankful, and my son and granddaughter are doing well after their surgeries. I pray that we will continue to have good health and that we all will continue to prosper the rest of 2008.

So, for the remaining 172 days I plan to continue volunteering at the military museum to broaden my view on the wars that many men and women have fought in for the freedom of this country. I hope that all that are now serving in the war will come home safely and unharmed.

There will be family birthdays, a marriage (soon I hope), achievements, good health, friendships(both old and new), graduations, new homes, new cars, holidays (Labor Day Thanksgiving and Christmas) to celebrate in the last 172 days. I have a lot to look forward to.

Family and friends are there for us all year round. I hope you enjoy your family and friends as much as I do mine. ENJOY THE REMAINING 172 DAYS OF 2008!!!

Those born on this date are under the astrological sign of Cancer. Notables born on this July 12th include Roman leader Julius Caesar, American writer Henry David Thoreau, photography pioneer, George Eastman, composer Oscar Hammerstein II, comedian Milton Berle, painter Andrew Wyeth, pianist Van Cliburn, comedian/actor Bill Cosby, exercise and diet guru Richard Simmons, actress Cheryl Ladd, and Olympic gold medal figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi.

Temperatures are soaring here in Oklahoma City, being 94 degrees at 5:05 pm, as I am posting to my blog. My son, Scott, who lives in Santa Fe, NM e-mailed me this morning at 1:00 am rubbing in the fact that they were 56 degrees and said he had the windows open and how cool it was there. My grandson, Ryan telephoned today from Kansas, where he is a college student, and said it was 60 degrees there and he was wearing a jacket. I have only been out in this heat today to go to the bank, fill the car's gasoline tank up, and also filled the lawnmower container. Gasoline was $3.77/gallon. I understand we have some of the lowest prices in the nation. Even with the gasoline prices so high, all the bays at the station were filled with people pumping gasoline.

I volunteered at the museum this week, and went to the Lucky Star Casino in El Reno, with two of my close girlfriends. I enjoy both of these friends very much. Geneva was a neighbor but has moved after becoming a widow and Lorene lives down the street from me and I see her most everyday. Lorene's boyfriend volunteers at the military museum. He earned the Purple Heart medal after having been severely wounded in combat. The casino outing was fun but Geneva and I both lost and Lorene came out even. I also did my walking this week at the mall and last night had dinner out with Keith and Kelly.

I took Janie, my former daughter-in-law and the mother of my two grandchildren, to have an injection procedure yesterday in her neck. It was to be routine but she started having chest and shoulder pains and was taken immediately to the emergency room. It was frightening for them to come and take me to the ER where Janie was on oxygen and being given every kind of preventive test available. Nothing showed up in all the tests, Thank God, and she was released and I took her back home to Edmond where she is to rest for a couple of days. Janie gave me a beautiful potted plant for taking her for her procedure.

I am saddened to just learn of the death of Oklahoma's great baseball player, Bobby Murcer. He has been fighting brain cancer for several months. He was a player and a member of the Yankee organization for many years. Until recently he was a broadcaster for the Yankees. Many of the greats are gone now, including two of the greatest from Oklahoma, Mickey Mantle and Bobby Murcer.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


After reading my posting to my blog yesterday, my son, Scott, with "tongue in cheek" reminded me that I never mention him. So this posting is dedicated to my, unintentionally, forgotten son. Scott is never out of my mind, but due to his living in Santa Fe, NM I do tend to write about what is happening right here, right now.

Santa Fe was having a downpouring rain yesterday, with loud thunderclaps, the first of their monsoon season. Scott was standing out on his balcony enjoying all of it. His allergies have been bothering him, due to the lack of moisture in the air. I hope he will start breathing easier now. Just the evening before he was standing out on his balcony listening and watching a firework display nearby. He chose to stay home and eat hot dogs on the 4th and had watched the hot dog eating contest the day before when the American contestant won, after eating 64 hot dogs in the fastest time. Scott didn't tell me how many he ate but I am sure it was nowhere near 64.

Scott is my youngest son of two. He is a financial planner and works in 5 branches of a large bank in Santa Fe. Prior to his locating to Santa Fe, he lived in New Orleans. After Katrina hit New Orleans, he chose to relocate rather than starting all over again. His office was destroyed, but thankfully his townhouse was intact. He had just acquired a beautiful, neglected cat from his vet and had had Lanie only two days before the hurricane hit. Scott had to evacuate, as he had so many times before, and thought he would be able to return in a day or two. Lanie, the cat, was left in the townhouse with plenty of food and water to last much longer than two days. No one in New Orleans was prepared for the levy to break causing insurmountable damage and destruction. Scott was not allowed to return to his unharmed townhouse for two weeks. He feared the worst about Lanie, but after two weeks all alone, she was all right and still had food and water remaining. I guess she rationed herself. Scott and Lanie are both doing well in Santa Fe and have become bosom buddies. Lanie is skittish and we aren't sure if it is caused from the hurricane or from abuse she had before Scott got her. Scott is an animal lover. He had both his dog (Dogger) and his cat (Pebbles) for 20 years before each died of old age. Scott is now watching a bird covering her eggs, where she built a beautiful nest on his balcony light fixture. He is unable to turn on his outside light until the birds hatch and fly away.

Scott is having fun with his brother, brother's fiancee, Kelly, and me as we write our daily or weekly blogs. He won't admit it but I think he enjoys our writings as much we do in writing them.

So Scott, here is to you on this beautiful Sunday. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had in writing about you.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


HOW DID YOU CELEBRATE THE 4th of JULY? We Americans have the right to celebrate in the way we choose. We oftentimes forget where these rights come from. We live in a great country where men die to preserve these rights. They give of their life freely so that we may live in peace. Let us not forget these men who so heroically die for you and me.

Many families celebrated yesterday in the traditional way, much as we did when I was a child. My family always got together and went to a public park, where we ate on fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon, and homemade ice cream cranked in an ice cream freezer. We kids got to take turns turning the crank to freeze the ice cream. What a delight when it was frozen and we were each given a dish of the best ever ice cream. I can almost taste it now. We played games such as horseshoes, baseball, and sack racing, and no one wanted the day to end. We were already looking forward to the next year's celebration. Through the years our family grew smaller, as deaths occurred, and celebrations became less and less frequently. Our family celebrations are non-existent now since divorces, deaths, aged family members, and moves have taken a toll on our family. Oh for the good ole days!!!

I personally celebrated the 4th by working at the Oklahoma 45th Infantry Division Museum. It was an eye-opening morning. The museum's curator and many others, dressed in their military uniforms, marched and rode in the annual Edmond, OK 4th of July parade. The men met at the museum and rode to the parade in two old army vehicles that are usually on display inside the museum. They are kept in running condition and are driven on special occasions. They returned from the parade hot and sweaty, as most of the uniforms were made of wool. These "soldiers for the day", had served in the Regular Army or the National Guard. The curator remained all day at the museum in his uniform and one family asked if their small son could have his picture taken with him. He was more than happy to oblige and the youngster, who was from Colorado, was extremely proud to have had his picture taken with a "soldier". We had seventy-five visitors who came to the museum to honor the men in the armed services. Visitors were from Germany, France, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma. I had never worked on the 4th at the museum and I felt better at the day's end for having spent the day there.

My son and his fiancee, Kelly, smoked hamburgers and brisket and fixed corn on the cob and baked beans, and to my delight, prepared enough for my dinner. It was wonderful to come home to. They do thoughtful things for me almost on a daily basis.

This has been a busy week for me. I went out to dinner with my friend, Geneva, worked both Thursday and Friday at the museum and did a hundred and one other things throughout the week. Time really flies when you are having fun!! Nothing special is planned for tomorrow, Sunday, so I will try to catch up on undone things.

I have a new friend that responded to my blog on Father's Day and I wish to thank Judy in Kentucky, for all the nice comments and the inspiration she has given me, my son, and Kelly on our blogs. Judy, thanks so very much and we will continue to read new postings on your blogs.

Monday, June 30, 2008


My father, Alfred (Al) was born on June 30, 1908, in Tupelo, OK, seven months after Oklahoma became a state on November 16, 1907. Had he lived, he would have been 100 years old today. It is inconceivable to think of him as a 100 year old man.

Dad was the eldest son of eleven children, eight daughters and three sons born to Ben and Sarah. They also raised two grandchildren after their daughter died. Soon after my father was born, the family moved to Stonewall, OK where a few of my father's siblings chose to remain, marry, raise their families and die. Other siblings chose to move to bigger cities where jobs were available, and my father was one of those who chose to leave. He is pictured here with his father.

After marriage to my mother, Esther, on December 6, 1929, who lived in a nearby community, my father and mother moved to Oklahoma City.
They lived and raised their three children, Howard, myself (Peggy), and Janice in Oklahoma City.

He was a hard-working man, and achieved a lot in his lifetime for not having graduated from high school or college, having finished the 7th grade. He always worked in the trucking business, first as a dock hand, a driver, a dock foreman, and retiring as a sales manager for Western Gillette Trucking Company.

Dad served his country in the 324th Army Air Forces Base Unit and became a civilian again on April 8, 1946.

My parents resided in Oklahoma City most of their adulthood, but moved to Edmond for a few years before my dad retired. After his retirement, my parents chose to move back to their roots in Stonewall. He became a master tomato grower and took great pride in his garden, spending all his free time cultivating the biggest and juiciest tomatoes in Stonewall.

His only son, Howard, preceded him in death on May 12, 1997. He lived to see his five grandchildren born (Keith, Debbie, Scott, Darlene, and Sara), and three of his four great-grandchildren born (Ryan, Rayna, and Brittanee). The fourth great-grandchild (Steffanee) was born after his death.

After my mother's death in 1981, my father lived alone until he chose to enter the Sulphur Veterans Center to live out the remainder of his life. He reached his 90th birthday, one of his goals in life, and shortly after, became ill and was transferred by ambulance to the Oklahoma City Veterans Center, where he died on July 19, 1998.

Dad at "twenty something."

Today we wish to honor the memory of our father, the patriarch of our extended family, on what would have been his "Century" birthday.

Friday, June 27, 2008


What a wonderful rain we are having here in Oklahoma City. Our burmuda grasses are already starting to turn brown from the high temperatures we are experiencing. The weather forecast is 20% chance of rain and 96 degrees. It will probably be hot and humid once the rain ceases. The weather is unpredictable here in Oklahoma. Most of us who were born and reared here, are now acclimated to the varying weather changes. The wind is always coming sweeping down the plain, just as the words say in the song OKLAHOMA. We take pride whenever we hear that song. I love the beautiful music that Rogers and Hammerstein wrote about our wonderful state. I guess my favorites are "Oh What a Beautiful Morning", "The Surrey With the Fringe On Top", "People Will Say We're In Love", and "Oklahoma". This morning I feel like singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning".

On Thursday I had another enjoyable day volunteering at the Oklahoma 45th Infantry Division Museum. I didn't get to greet too many of the visitors to the museum because I was needed in the gift shop. The gift shop has only items for sale that reflect the 45th Infantry. I did talk to a family in the gift shop from Pennsylvania. What a delightful family!! There were cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews in their group. They are descendants of the "Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma". What a wonderful heritage they share. They bought many items to take to other members of their family. There was also a group of 9-10 year old children on an outing and it seems as though they each had $20.00 to spend. You know how children are. Each child studied every item displayed, and several changed their minds three or four times before settling on a gift for their mom. Others bought toy tanks, airplanes, and soldiers. They weren't going home without spending their money!! I enjoy working with all the volunteers. They are very nice, and I am in awe of all of them. I love their personal stories. They must have made many sacrifices to protect our country. I like working so much at the museum that I should pay them for allowing me to work there.

Last evening my son and fiancee and I went out for dinner. We had never eaten at the San Marcos Mexican Restaurant. We enjoyed our dinners immensely, even had a margarita. The restaurant is owned and operated by a family member of my grandson's good friend, Ruben. We talked to the owner about the boys' friendship and their love of the soccer game. Ruben attends Oklahoma State University and Ryan is in Sterling College in Kansas. Every chance they get when both are back in Oklahoma City, they get together and find a soccer game to participate in.

Last night I had several telephone calls and instant messages from friends. I even heard from a friend that I had attended the Doobie Brothers concert with. What would our lives be like without friendship?

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Summer is here!!! It is 92 degrees and it is only the second day of summer. What does the global warming have in store for us?

I have enjoyed a week of activities with family and friends. I continue to be passionate about walking. My day is incomplete if I don't walk at least two miles at the mall. Now that my neighbor Sandy has recovered from a fall and recovered from cataract surgery on both eyes, we will once again resume walking in our neighborhood. Sandy is the one I am indebted to for getting me walking. Every morning, before her accident, she called and said I will be by at 8:00 to walk. Had I not had her faithfulness in calling, I would still be a couch potato and complaining of not feeling well. As of this writing, I do not have an ache or pain in my body. Walking is good for maintaining physical and mental health. Thanks Sandy for bettering my life.

I worked at the museum on Thursday and we had so few visitors. I enjoyed the time I was at the museum sitting around talking to the other volunteers and staff. I heard the story of a break in at the museum where a couple of juveniles gained access to the attic, cut a hole in the ceiling, tied a rope and came down into the museum. They broke out the glass in a few display cases and had gathered artifacts, but to their dismay, they saw a ceiling sensor to the alarm system and proceeded to cut the wires. This set off the alarm system and they ran, leaving the artifacts, and kicked the front steel door open for their escape. It was discovered that they had intended to set the museum afire. What a tragedy that would have been!! No crime goes unpunished and the juveniles had taken two pistols, and one of the boys, a policeman's son, was seen in his backyard with a gun, and an alert neighbor called his dad and the boys were found to be the ones who had broken into the museum.

Another interesting story I learned about the museum is about ghosts. I am not clear if there have been any sightings, but the museum would be a perfect place for the supernatural spirits to appear. I understand the museum has had people that study the paranormal to inspect or detect if there are ghosts or spirits lurking in the museum. There would be so many sad, but interesting stories to hear from the ghosts about the wars they fought in. I will be on the look out for them and what a postings to my blog I will have. I am more afraid of mice than ghosts and I am also keeping a lookout for them at the museum after seeing some traps set.

Friday I had a routine doctor's appointment and I was found to be in good health and do not have to return for a year. My doctors tell me I am in better health than they are. That is what clean living will do for you (ha).

After the Friday's doctor appointment, Geneva and I were at loose ends and decided to go to the Lucky Star Casino near El Reno. You guessed it. Geneva won again and I at least came home even. I won and lost, won and lost and stopped while I was even. We had lunch there and, once again, enjoyed our spur-of-the-moment outing. I ended the day by mowing most of my yard. I enjoy doing some yard work, but a little goes a long way with me. I never have been an outdoor person.

On Saturday Kelly and I picked up lunches for all of us at the Oklahoma Station Barbeque. We had so much food and it is always delicious, but this time it was the best. I ate lunch, dinner, and today's lunch off my dinner. I am always pleased when Kelly includes me in her's and Keith's plans. Kelly is a very dear person. She wrote such a nice posting about me in her blog, but I asked her to delete it because it was so private. I have never had anyone say or write such nice things about me before. Saturday evening Keith, Kelly and I went to Mustang to my niece's softball tournament. Just before we arrived at the field, we received a phone call saying the game had been cancelled. We were invited to their house, which was nearby, instead. My sister and brother-in-law from Burkburnett, TX arrived a few minutes after we did at the house. We were treated with homemade goodies that my sister had made and brought. After visiting with the family for a short time, we returned home without having seen a softball game. The game was to be played this morning (Sunday). We did not return for the game, but hope Britt's team was the winner. Britt is an athlete and excels in many different sports.

My son Scott called yesterday and he was once again on a weekend excursion. He was in Monte Vista, Colorado and plans to visit the Great Sand Dunes National Park. He will return back today to Santa Fe, NM. Scott loves to explore historical sites and visit new places. He and his dad had a lot in common that way. Scott usually takes such great pictures and e-mails them to me. I get to see a lot of the places he explores and never have to leave my house.

Today is Sunday and I always try to relax on that day. I finished mowing this morning, went to the mall and walked, did laundry, read the Sunday newspaper, and took a much needed nap. I stay up late and awake early, so a short nap always revitalizes me. I have enjoyed today very much and I am looking forward to tomorrow. Who knows what good thing is in store for me tomorrow.

Sunday, June 15, 2008



A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910. In 1926, a National Father's Day Committee was formed in New York City. Father's Day was recognized by a Joint Resolution of Congress in 1956. In 1972, President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of Father's Day to be held on the third Sunday of June. So Father's Day was born in memory and gratitude by a daughter who thought that her father and all good fathers should be honored with a special day just like we honor our mothers on Mother's Day.

I wish to honor my father on this day. He was born in Tupelo, OK on June 30, 1908, and died on July 19, 1998, at the Oklahoma City Veterans Hospital. His wish in life was to live to be 90 years old and he just made it by a few days. He was the first born son to my grandparents who had eleven children and raised two grandchildren after their daughter died. My father's family was never rich by any means, but they were a close and loving family. Each family member was always there for each other. My father married my mother on December 6, 1929, and became a father for the first time when my brother was born and I came along a couple years after. My sister was born fifteen years after I was born. He always was there for us and provided the best that he could. Thanks Dad for being there and caring for my mom when she was totally crippled from the effects of arthritis and could not even get out of bed. We honor you today!!!

I also want to honor two more fathers in my life, the father of my two children (my husband, George) and the father of my two grandchildren (my son, Keith). George and Keith are two of the best fathers I have ever known. Never have two men loved their children any more than they loved their children. George has been deceased for over five years, but everyday he is thought of and never will his sons forget that he was always there for them in all their endeavors. Keith was honored today by his son, Ryan, being home from college and getting to spend some quality time with him. Keith has always taken pride in his two children and attends all their school and extracurricular activities. IF EVERY CHILD COULD BE SO LUCKY!!!

My grandson, Ryan, was home for a wedding and stayed with me Friday and Saturday nights. It is so nice to see how he has matured into such a fine young man. When he dressed for the wedding Saturday afternoon, I was amazed to see such a handsome young man. Girls, I am sorry but he has a steady girlfriend!!! He has returned back to Sterling, KS and we will all be anxious to see him the next time he gets to come back home.

I have had a relaxing day. My yard is all mowed, laundry finished, dishes washed, housework finished (at least for today -- it is never finished), so I am ready to begin a new week. My life is good!!!