Friday, April 18, 2008


I have had the usual Friday with errands, post office, bank, Wal-Mart, and City Hall to pay a bill.

The weather has been the same the last few days, windy and cloudy but no rain. The week-end weather is forecasted to be like a summer day, possibly in the 80's.

My friend, Lorene, went to the 45th Infantry Division Museum today to meet her boyfriend and the guys were all telling her what a nice person I am and how glad they are that I've decided to be a regular volunteer. Bill, the director of the museum, told Lorene that I was a "keeper". Yesterday Bill told me that for the first day I had earned an "A". I am looking forward going back this next Thursday.

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a telephone call from my sister-in-law, Lori. She and Ben have been in AZ and AL for the winter and will be going back home to Michigan May 1st. She had talked to another of my sisters-in-law in IL regarding the large earthquake that occurred early this morning in Illinois. Melinda was sleeping and felt the bed movement and dishes rattling in the kitchen. This earthquake was felt all the way to Wisconsin. Lori really called me to find out about my attending the Doobie Brothers concert in Norman with my friend, Steve. Everyone has been encouraging me with their support and everyone wants to see me having some fun!!!

Lorene and Art went to Remington Park Casino today for an hour and while they were there, a lady next to them won $6,000. Why can't I ever win? Lady Luck will hit one of these days.

My friend, Geneva called and asked if I would like to go out to dinner with her. We decided to go to City Bites in North Park Mall. It was a fun time as it was totally spur-of -the-moment. Geneva and I have been friends and neighbors for many years, but she has moved from the neighborhood now. We still see each other often and we have a trip to Tunica, MS planned. We walked around the mall and oohed and aahed at all the clothing displayed in the windows. There was a style show and luncheon in the mall today and I saw Congresswoman, Mary Fallin and a TV co-anchor, Meg Alexander. I didn't participate in the festivities. I was just there to walk but there were a lot of gawkers standing around, including me.

I am staying in tonight and watching the DVD "Juno". Some people that have seen it liked it and others haven't liked it very much. I usually like the movies that my son and his fiancee like and I believe they said they liked this DVD. Any who, I will be my own judge and will tell in a later posting to my blog if I liked it.

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