Sunday, May 11, 2008


This is a day all living and all deceased mothers should be honored. We have all had mothers!! My mother was Esther and was the most important person in my life up to the time I married and left the comfort of her arms. She was always there for me when I was a child, just as mothers should be. She took her responsibilities to me seriously and I never went hungry, she comforted me when I was ill or had skinned knees, and was there to take care of my child when I gave birth to my second child. When she became an invalid with the dreadful arthritis, I wasn't always there to make her more comfortable. My parents had moved to another town and it was impossible to be there for her when she needed me the most. She never complained or expected from us any more than we were able to do for her. Esther passed away in 1981 but I honor her memory today on Mother's Day.

Today I am the honored mother and my sons are always in touch with me and make me proud to be their mother. I hope when I am gone, both sons will be able to have good memories of me and know I did everything I could for them and expected nothing in return. Mothers do for their children willingly and unselfishly. I have been treated today with telephone calls, gifts, and taken to dinner. My friends (both old and new) have also called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. What more could a mother wish for?

I recently wrote in my blog about my friend, Geneva, being interested in trading her vehicle for a yellow Hummer and the fun we had that day when we actually sat in one. Yesterday when I was in Enid for the soccer tournament, we found a tee shirt that had a big yellow Hummer on the front and we couldn't resist the temptation to purchase it for her. I took it to her condo and left it while she was out to brunch with her family and she found it when she returned. She was delighted with it and thought it was ironic that we found it since it had just been recently when she and I had looked at a yellow Hummer. It is fun to be able to surprise someone and to enjoy in the delight when you do something unexpectedly for them. Geneva has the best laugh of anyone I know.

My grandson's soccer tournament ended today in Enid with more losses than wins, but his team enjoyed their experience being in a different city and they played with great effort. Since this was Mother's Day, my grandson handed out to each boy a red rose that was to be given to their own mother. I understand all mothers were unexpectedly surprised with this gesture of their son honoring them and there were many tears. My son, the father of my grandson, started this tradition when he was coaching his son. I was then the grandmother and I was handed a flower along with the mothers attending the game. Like father, like son!!

I hope all mothers experienced the kind of day that I have had.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This is the most beautiful expression of love that I have ever seen. Now, that I have quit crying, (seriously), I will tell you, that your entire family, those living and dead, are better off for having you in their lives! This is absolutely wonderful! It is an honor to call you a friend!
