Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have very little to write about today. It has been a cloudy, chilly, and dreary day.

My son and his girlfriend came and mowed the weeds down in my yard. Where do all the weeds come from year after year? I do hate to see all the yard work begin, but I guess it is a necessary evil of Springtime.

I shopped today for a gift for my girlfriend's birthday that is tomorrow, but in the end, I purchased a gift card for her. We are all at that point in life where we have what we want or need, so it is hard to know what to buy for someone else. I do know she likes the store that I bought the gift card in and she can find many things to pick from. We have been window shopping and we have looked at shoes, purses, and pant tops that we both liked.

Tomorrow is a day of rest and we should all honor that day and only do what is absolutely necessary. I plan to do nothing!!!


Anonymous said...

You sound like a nice lady. I'd be happy to have a friend like you. Your family and friends are lucky.

luv2gosup said...

Thank you for your nice comment. I truly am lucky to have a loving family and an abundance of friends. You cannot have too many of either.