Today is a remembrance of my Mom's birthday. Had she lived, she would have been 97 years old today. Esther Sadie was born in Mena, AR on December 18, 1911, to William D. and Eliza Adeline. Her parents moved to the Owl Creek Community near the small town of Stonewall, OK and raised several children. My Mother married my Father, Alfred A. on December 6, 1929. They moved to Oklahoma City where they welcomed three children into their lives, Howard (deceased), Peggy, and Janice. She was a loving mother and was liked and respected by everyone. Her home was where the neighbors congregated for coffee, conversation, and a good game of dominoes.
My Mom loved arts and crafts and was always doing ceramics, and trying her hand in the going fad at the time, like plaster of paris wall hangings, tea towel painting, embroidering, painting China dolls, etc. She shared her homemade crafts with everyone (I have several that I cherish).
After the five grandchildren were born, Howard (2 girls), Peggy (2 boys), and Janice (1 girl), she was always offering to babysit and I often took her up on it. She was the one I called on to care for my first son when I went to the hospital to give birth to my second son. When Howard's first daughter, (Debbie) was born, Mom made her many beautiful handstitched silk and satin articles of clothing with tiny embroidered rosebuds. She loved working with her hands and if she were not involved in some craft project, she was in the kitchen cooking. My family enjoyed many home cooked meals with she and my Dad. Her specialties were cream pies, fried pies, cream puffs, coconut cake and she always prepared the best Thanksgiving dinner, especially her dressing. My sister, Janice, inherited Mom's craft and cooking skills.
Mom developed crippling arthritis and was bedridden and in great pain the last years of her life. She was unable to sit, walk, or even lift her arms to comb her hair. Her hands were gnarled and especially painful to her. My Dad was there to the bitter end caring for her and making her as comfortable as possible. She kept smiling and never once did we hear her complain.
We lost Mom on July 22, 1981, and it was a sad day for all of us. Her great-grandchildren never got to know their great-grandmother. We do try to keep her memory alive and this is the purpose of my posting to my blog today.
Rest in Peace Mom and know that you were dearly loved.
Mom, we miss you so very much
On every Mother's Day
And not just then, but every minute,
Since you went away.
You were the center of our lives
Before your soul passed on;
It's just so hard for us to believe
That you are really gone.
But we celebrate the life you lived
And all the things you gave us;
Our wonderful memories, Mom,of you
Are the things that will comfort and save us.
Please think of us, as we think of you
With hearts so full of love;
We're looking up at you, sweet Mom,
As you look at us from above.
By Joanna Fuchs
Just wanted to let my blogger friends know that I have started a new
cooking blog on Wordpress and also moved Living on the Other Side of the
Hill to wordp...
15 years ago