I started January off with a resolution to lose weight and I have been successful. As of this date, January 27th, I have lost 8 lbs. and I am still losing. I have 7 lbs. more to lose to get back to my September weight. I have many more pounds to lose after I do get back to the September weight. These birthday dinners and holidays do it to me every year. Then comes the new year and I start the cycle all over again.
January has had its ups and downs. The weather in Oklahoma has been very good up until yesterday and today. We started out with rain turning to ice yesterday and today we are having all kinds of weather, thunder, rain, sleet, and snow. There has not been an accumulation but driving conditions are treacherous. We Okies are not prepared for winter conditions because the temperatures are above freezing most of the winter, but today it is 18 degrees. Brrrr, it is cold!!!!!! This weekend is forecasted to be in the 50's.
There have been numerous birthdays of family and friends so far this month. My brother-in-law, cousin (today), and nieces had birthdays, and my neighbors, Ellan and Chris celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to both of them. They have been wonderful neighbors to me.
It hasn't been a good month for some of my friends and their families. My McAllen, TX, e-mail and instant messaging buddy's daughter, Jo Lynn, was hit by a car while bicycling with her son. She was not injured badly but was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She has an injured ankle and there is still swelling and pain. The driver of the car turned left on a red light and hit Jo Lynn. Luckily, her son was not injured. My niece, Sara, had a second operation on her ankle and will not be able to return to work for several more months. Sara was injured delivering mail when she stepped in a hole in a lawn.
I attended a Memorial at the 45th Infantry Museum on Friday for my good friend and co-volunteer on Saturdays. Leon's death was a shock to the close knit volunteers and staff at the museum. Although he had been in deteriorating health for several years, we still did not expect the end was near for him. Leon brought donuts and rolls for the volunteers on Saturday and when he did not show up on Saturday with our weekly treat, we all started saying, "Where is Leon?" Sharon, his wife, called with the bad news a few minutes later. Leon had served as staff sergeant in the 245th Armor Battalion out of Healdton, OK, as a part of the 45th Infantry Division. Much of his free time was spent volunteering at the museum where I met him. His Memorial was beautiful and fitting for a man who had served in the military. Taps was played (a bugle call that beckons us to remember patriots who served our country with honor and valor, it is the most familiar call and one that moves all who hears it). The American Flag, held by the military honor guards, was then folded into a triangle reminiscent of the cocked hat from the American Revolution and presented to his wife. Leon, I will miss you!!!!
What will the last few days of January bring? No one knows, so before it is too late, I want to tell all my family and friends how much I love them. I wish I had told Leon how helpful he had been to me and how much I enjoyed working with him. I am telling him now!!!!!
Just wanted to let my blogger friends know that I have started a new
cooking blog on Wordpress and also moved Living on the Other Side of the
Hill to wordp...
15 years ago